Hifz ul Quran School
A Hafiz on the Day of Judgment will intercede 10 people “Whoever recites the Quran, memorizes it, Allah, the exalted, will enter him to Paradise and accept his/her intercession on behalf of ten such persons of his family upon whom entry into hell has become incumbent “(i.e. Allah will forgive them because of his/her intercession) Sahi Tirmizi Make your children Hafiz-e-Quran Madinah Masjid of Carrollton Announcing HIFZ-UL-QURAN SCHOOL ADMISSION OPEN After School Evening Program On Weekdays and Weekend Monday to Thursday >> 4 pm to 8 pm Saturday –Sunday >> 12 pm – 3 pm Hifz-ul-Quran Class will be conducted by famous al-Hafiz, al-Qari HAFIZ MEHBOOB RAZA For further information please contact Allama Babar Rehmani 214-287-1225 Allama Siraj Ahmed 469-231-7861